Turn your face to the sun...

We're all looking for something. There are times we are in search of a thing, times when we are in search of an answer, times when we're searching for peace and, dare I say, love.
To find it, you have to open your eyes and look beyond the clouds, find the Blue sky.

Friday, October 15, 2010

In stitches

Tonight my oldest was out biking on the driveway. There were smashed pumpkin guts on the blacktop and he skid off his bike and landed on his chin. The scene went something like this: hysteria, hysteria to pediatrician, call to soon to be ex, heightened hysteria, decision for stitches, call to plastic surgeon, txt to soon to be ex, more hysteria, drive to hospital with increased hysteria, txt to soon to be ex, triage, betadine with hysteria, novicaine with a kick in the face for me, uncontrolled hysteria, no straight jacket to be found, me holding down hysterical 5 year old, me crying, him stitched and hysterical, txt to soon to be ex, and finally, $100 at game stop.

The worst part was seeing him cry and be so afraid, but the thing that hurt me the most was that the soon to be ex (stbe) never bothered to see how his son was doing. When he finally slithered home like the snake he is, he said he never got my texts. I asked why he didn't call, after all I did speak to him prior to pediatrician. He said he figured that either a) nothing was wrong or that b) i just wasn't keeping him posted. WTF. He's so concerned about his kids. It's all about them, right? Yeah, just like it's all about that six figure settlement he's after.

He told me I shouldn't make him feel guilty. I said it wasn't me making him feel guilty, but his own conscious.

Is it me? Am I wrong? Last month I sent 3500 messages and no one ever complained about not receiving my texts.



  1. You soon to be ex sounds like such a great guy. Why are you divorcing him?

    Seriously...what a pathetic little worm.

    Hope the little man is ok. Tell him chicks dig scars and give him kisses for me.

  2. No worries for he, who lives in a tree! Must be nice.
    I'm sure he knew exactly what was going on from your texts. He's just manipulating the situation because, in his warped mind, he was punishing you. So sad for your son that he has somewhat of a child for a father.

  3. I am so sorry to hear that. Mostly sorry for your son (though you are doing a very awesome job as mommy to ensure that he knows he's being properly cared for). But seriously--what a weasel! At the very least, your ex could have responded and asked to speak to his son himself so he could find out how the little guy was doing.

    Good riddance to him!

    Also followed you here via Shana @ fumblingtowardsnormalcy. Glad that I did!
